Report by Abbot Gerasim
Excerpts from Autobiography of neo-Platina's abbot Gerasim Eliel. Be aware he is in world-Orthodoxy and pro-MP (Moscow Patriarch). Reader be aware of his perspective.
The excerpts I've chosen to copy here are the parts that tell his story of Platina 1980 – 1983
Abbot Gerasim's observations about Platina and Fr. Seraphim. Obviously his perception of Fr. Seraphim was restricted to a superficial level -- I can't think of another word to describe it. Superficial. But his report is nevertheless true, and of interest to us.
from his Autobiographical Sketch
Abbot Gerasim (Eliel)
Updated June 6, 2011
My First Visit to the St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in July, 1980
On July 6, 1980, during our summer in Calistoga, [OCA] James Paffhausen and I, with the blessing of [OCA] Priest John Newcombe, drove four hours north to the St. Herman of Alaska Monastery. This proved to be a very pivotal event in my life's path. I found the monastery to be very strange at first, but I was intrigued because I saw that they were living the type of life that I had been reading about and that I longed to emulate. When we arrived, the monastery was desolate. After Small Vespers and an evening meal we retired until around 10:00 p.m., at which time an All-night Vigil with Divine Liturgy was served. The singing was rather plain and brisk, bats flew through the temple a few times during the service. The church had never been finished, tar paper could be seen on the walls and ceiling behind the studs and rafters, stubs of candles burned on several second-hand candlestands, the church was lit with oil lamps that were filled at least once during the Vigil, and the entire church was censed several times during the course of the service. Since this monastery was in the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, James explained that we were not to receive Holy Communion. This service may seem simple in retrospect, but at my impressionable young age, diligently pondering the monastic life, here I tasted what I had been seeking. After the Divine Liturgy there was a simple meal in a refectory whose walls contained iconographic sketches that had never been finished. I witnessed the monastic life in a small skete secluded in the mountains, on a feast honoring the Forerunner of the Lord. At that time there were very few places on the West Coast where one could attend an All-night Vigil in English, let alone on a weekday and lasting most of the way through the night. The fact that this monastery was not in communion with either the OCA or the Moscow Patriarchate and the rustic facilities was hard to accept at first.
The monastic brotherhood then consisted of Abbot Herman, Hieromonk Seraphim, Riassaphore-monk Peter (now Hieromonk Juvenaly), and perhaps three other brothers. Later that morning after resting, James and I went on a walk with Father Seraphim along the county road that passes through the monastery land. We each had partially developed thoughts about the monastic life. Everything that Father Seraphim said was very inspiring. I think that he was happy to speak with a couple of young people who were seriously interested in the monastic life. Our encounter and conversation that day was pivotal in my own life. I observed Hieromonk Seraphim as a teacher of the Orthodox Faith and of the spiritual life. I saw that I had much to learn from him and from the unpretentious way of life at this monastery. At one point in our walk James bluntly told Father Seraphim that we were intending to start a hesychast monastery. I gulped. At the time James did not know how absurd this sounded. Hieromonk Seraphim, silently saying the Jesus Prayer as he walked, then gently spoke about sobriety and the need to think humbly of ourselves. He recommended reading The Arena by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov (which James had in his collection) and began to speak about delusion or prelest. (I later witnessed Hieromonk Seraphim responding in a mild way to a number of other people who came to talk about exalted themes like hesychasm). This day marked a milestone in our lives and a very important point in our spiritual development. Later in the morning we had a talk with Abbot Herman who made recommendations about what we should do at our campus, how we should gather to pray, and how we should organize talks. He offered to help us out with some literature. I kept all these ideas in my head. The next year I continually reflected back on my visit to the monastery as a model of what I wanted in the monastic life.
Visit of Hieromonk Seraphim Rose to UCSC
Our Orthodox Christian Fellowship began to grow. That small group eventually produced a large number of clergy and monastics, including Hieromonk James Corraza of the Old Joy of All Who Sorrow Cathedral in San Francisco, California.
On May 15 Hieromonk Seraphim Rose was invited to visit our university to address our World Religions class taught by Noel Q. King. Two guests from the future Evangelical Orthodox Church, Marion Cardoza (later Priest Seraphim Cardoza of Rogue River, Oregon [ROCOR]) and his friend Daniel Ogan (afterwards an iconographer) also attended Father Seraphim's talk. It is amazing how pivotal this talk proved to be for Marion Cardoza, John Christensen, James Corraza and others. I think that we had studied hard, and were ripe to hear a living word. I had always treasured this talk which was taped by James Corraza and distributed widely among friends. Seven years later I was instrumental in seeing this lecture being printed as a separate book entitled God's Revelation to the Human Heart.
St. Herman of Alaska Monastery
I reached St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina on the afternoon of July 28 [1981] en route to Portland. Neither Abbot Herman nor Hieromonk Seraphim were there at that hour—only a few novices. I decided to stay to help prepare for the 1981 St. Herman of Alaska summer pilgrimage. I was quite happy and willing to contribute my efforts; I looked forward to participating in the Divine Services and experiencing the monastic life. However, I had no intention of staying at the monastery. I looked forward to being involved in establishing the monastic life with Hieromonk Anastasy as my instructor and spiritual father.
Pilgrims began to arrive just before St. Herman’s feast day from all over the West Coast and even overseas. [ROCOR] Bishop Alypy of Cleveland visited on the feast day and [ROCOR] Bishop Laurus of Holy Trinity Monastery visited later in the week. The feast was followed by a week of classes on the Orthodox Faith and was designed to present the foundations of the faith primarily to converts and cradle Orthodox who wanted to know more about their faith. There was a decided missionary tone to the "Pilgrimage." The curriculum consisted of Church history, Orthodox doctrine, liturgics and chanting, and an explanation of the Book of Genesis by Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose). Priest Alexey Young, who was very close to Fathers Herman and Seraphim, came from Etna and gave several of the classes. There was also a slide show about Valaam Monastery and its elders. This was accompanied by music of the monks of Old Valaam singing Valaam chant. Since St. Herman of Alaska had laid his monastic beginning in that monastery, this slide show helped to give a background and context to the whole week. This also was one of the things that most intrigued me: pictures and stories of the way monks lived in a traditional monastery, especially one such as Valaam where [MP] Bishop Mark had laid the beginning of his monastic life. Here I encountered a context in which I could learn all about the teaching of the Church, and in which I could participate in the full cycle of services in the English language. There was a daily explanation of the lives of the saints and the scripture readings. The monastery was remote and cut off from the world. I felt peace here. It was also important to me that they were actively disseminating the Orthodox Faith.
I talked to Hieromonk Anastasy on the telephone and, as he had not made any arrangements for me in Portland, I was in no hurry to go. Finally, one day one of the monks sat next to me and asked me what I was going to do. He asked if I had thought about staying at the monastery. Of course, I had, but I knew that my family would be absolutely against it. I also did not think that my spiritual father would give me his blessing to stay. It should be stated that there were people, both pilgrims and monks who regularly bad mouthed the Moscow Patriarchate and the OCA from almost the first day that I came to the monastery. People around the monastery pejoratively called the OCA "the Metropolia." They called the Moscow Patriarchate the "Soviet Church." [MP] Bishop Mark had told us that not only ROCOR but Abbot Herman as well was "making politik," as he would express himself. So there were a number of different reasons that I hesitated to join the monastery. I talked with the Abbot, Father Herman, and asked him if it was possible for me to stay. He told me that I could and that he would be happy to talk with Hieromonk Anastasy. One day we called him from Redding. I asked his blessing to stay at the monastery. He gave his blessing but, I could sense, very reluctantly. I do not believe that he ever had full confidence in Abbot Herman.
Life in the Monastery
I stayed the first few months at the monastery soaking in the monastic life without making any commitment. In late November, 1981 I petitioned to be accepted as a novice. On the feast of St. Herman of Alaska, celebrated there at the monastery on December 12/25, 1981, I was clothed as a novice. I was very happy at that time. I lived that first winter in an unheated cell. I would put on several coats and use extra blankets to stay warm but I had my own partitioned cell, my icon corner, and spiritual books. I had only one robe. My life was centered around the Divine Services, my obediences, and my prayer rule.
During my novitiate I performed the usual obediences of a novice: I cooked, cleaned the church, cut firewood, helped in carpentry and construction projects, made elementary automotive repairs, etc. In the spring of 1982 I began building a new set of cells which due to my lack of experience had many shortcomings. However, as the future showed, this experience proved to be valuable.
I soon began to assist with research for the monastery publications. I was gradually trained to do post-production work on the monastery publications, such as collating, stapling and cutting. Later I was instructed how to use the old letterpress. Late in 1981 I began to help with research for the book Russia's Catacomb Saints. I would cross-reference citations and facts, analyze sources, write synopses of periods of persecution, movements in the early years of the Soviet regime and episodes in the life of the Church. I enjoyed this work very much. During the first two years I spent at the monastery my involvement with missionary trips to Redding, Etna, and Medford was very limited. Since I was a young novice, I was kept out of harm's way. Gradually I was included and often this involved the showing of slide shows on Holy Places in America, Valaam Monastery, Mount Athos, the New Martyrs of Russia, or some other theme.
An important aspect of my monastic experience began during the fall of 1981. After Compline the brothers were given an opportunity to have "revelation of thoughts" with Hieromonk Seraphim. Although Father Herman was the abbot, Hieromonk Seraphim more often heard the confessions of the brothers and the revelation of thoughts. This helped to lift the burden from my soul on a daily basis. This continued regularly four or five times a week until mid-August, 1982. At the same time, I became accustomed to going to Confession. I did not have much experience with confession with Hieromonk Anastasy. I think that he realized that I had to become at home in the Church first and that this was very foreign to me. It was very hard in the beginning to accept correction. Hieromonk Anastasy also had been reticent to correct me as was Abbot Herman later. I distinctly remember that at one point during the first six months I made the remark to Hieromonk Seraphim during Confession that I was like everyone else. I remember hearing him sigh. I believe that he made a remark to the extent that this showed what a long way I had to go. When I realized what I had said, my conscience stung. I was very embarrassed. I also had a number of lessons to learn in asking blessings to undertake some project. Once when I was making some simple furniture item out of leftover wood, Hieromonk Seraphim asked me what I was doing. When I explained, he asked, "Did you get a blessing to do this?" Of course, I had not.
Central to our monastic life was the monastic cell-rule of prayer. At a certain point each monastic aspirant would be assigned a prayer rule. It was the practice of the monastery for each monk to retire to his cell in the evening and there do his cell rule. Because of the absence of electricity, it fit well with our life to perform our cell rule in the evening after Compline. It was not easy to accustom myself to this. I did not have good habits of self-discipline. It also kept the brothers from talking after evening prayers which were read in common in church. We also had the habit that when we drove to Redding or on any journey that we would begin the journey with the Optina five hundred prayer rule. This also brought a blessing on the journey and limited talking. During Father Seraphim's lifetime when we went on any long trip, we would also bring the Horologion, Menaion, and Psalter and read the Vespers or Matins service that would otherwise have been omitted. This produced in us a monastic world view and helped with our identity as monks. Fundamental to our monastic formation were the evening talks that were delivered in the refectory primarily by Abbot Herman. After the reading would finish, we would all be gathered around the table. I soaked up every word that he or Hieromonk Seraphim had to share. Sometimes I would record it in my journal that evening or during the next day. In 1981–82 we did not have any editions of the Lives of the Saints, the Synaxarion or the Prologue. Abbot Herman was able to share substantially the entire life of a saint or a righteous one from recent times without a text or notes. He had a superb gift for relating the lives of the saints and the righteous ones of recent times. His memory was very sharp and he was able to involve his listener in what he was trying to emphasize. For those who listened intently it was quite an education. The first books that I read at the monastery were Abba Dorotheos of Gaza, The Arena: An Offering to Contemporary Monasticism, Unseen Warfare, Spiritual Homilies of St. Macarius of Egypt.
Hieromonk Seraphim Rose
Hieromonk Seraphim was usually the first or second one to church every morning. He often began the morning prayers himself in the Narthex. He would serve Matins without fail every day unless there was a literal all-night vigil which would be too much stress on his physical condition. At times he would come to the cliros during Matins and help to lead the singing, either reading the canon in Slavonic or translating verses on the spot into English for the instruction of those gathered. Every day, regardless of whether the Divine Liturgy was to be served or not, he would give a sermon on the theme of the daily Epistle or Gospel reading. The Divine Liturgy was always served on Saturday and Sunday.
He had great love for the nature that surrounded the monastery. I reveled in this, too. Up until I was ordained a priest, I would regularly take a book and hike up our mountain every Sunday, feast day or whenever I had the chance and find some new secluded spot in which to pray and read. In October 1981 we were able to hike to the top of Mount Yolla Bolly (8,000 ft) located about twenty-five miles from the monastery. Here at the top Fr. Seraphim read about the ascetic feats of the western desert dwellers of the Jura Mountains as we sat atop that chilly peak. It was a beautiful glimpse of the world that he loved and which greatly impressed itself on me.
In the autumn of 1981 Hieromonk Seraphim taught a class every other morning from his notes for a summer seminar that he had begun four or five years previously. This course eventually became dubbed as the "Orthodox Survival Course." It was his analysis of the history of Western philosophy, political history, and religious development from the time of the Great Schism. He felt very strongly that an acute analysis in this manner showed the fruits of the schism of Rome from the Church and how the consequences of this schism are expressed in the history of Western culture. In the following spring Hieromonk Seraphim sought to include me in the classes that he was teaching to one Seminary student who was taking correspondence courses through the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville. Father Seraphim had questioned me several times whether or not I felt I was being challenged. I was actually afraid that he would send me back to the university, which I do not believe was his intention but which was my greatest fear. We also had classes in Russian which were crucial in providing me continuity with the one year during which I had studied Russian in the university. At the same time I made it a discipline that whenever Hieromonk Seraphim or anyone else was reading in Slavonic on the cliros that I would walk over and look on at the text. By the mid 1980s I was able to translate Slavonic into English without much difficulty. The illness and repose of Hieromonk Seraphim was a great tragedy in my life. It left us all stunned. It happened so unexpectedly. At first I did not suspect anything serious. It seemed that he merely had a bad case of constipation. He took a turn for the worse. The heat in the valley was intense, approximately 115° F, and therefore we did not want to make him worse by taking him to Redding. When we finally did the news was shocking: a section of his large intestine had ceased to function. An operation began immediately. Gangrene was already setting in and peritonitis of the stomach cavity developed. It affected all his internal organs. Having only one functioning kidney from an early age his system was not sufficiently strong to battle this condition. Within several days Hieromonk Seraphim died.
Abbot Herman and I drove back in the hearse from Redding to the monastery on September 3 with Father Seraphim's body in a coffin. When Archbishop Anthony and Bishop Nektary arrived, Abbot Herman spoke to them about the details of the funeral and burial. I was to be tonsured a reader on that day. However, I stated that I did not want to become a reader, but rather that I wanted to be a monk. I clung steadfastly to my desire for the monastic life that I had formed under the direction of Hieromonk Anastasy, [MP] Bishop Mark, and my first year at the monastery. The funeral was attended by approximately 120 people. I was so overwhelmed by all those events that I do not remember many details. I remember Hieromonk Anastasy came for the funeral. Before the Divine Liturgy, Novice Stephen and I were tonsured riassaphore-monks at the coffin of Hieromonk Seraphim by Archbishop Anthony. In the monastic tonsure I was given the name Gerasim, with St. Gerasimus of the Jordan as my monastic patron and receiving this name in honor of Archimandrite Gerasim (Schmaltz) who had settled at Monks' Lagoon and devoted his life to the veneration of St. Herman of Alaska. It was in such a context that I embraced the monastic life.
Soon things began to change in our St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood. More brothers came, our conditions were very crowded. We were busy with our publications, including Russia's Catacomb Saints. We spent a good deal of time that long, dark autumn with the regular celebration at sporadic times of the Divine Liturgy. Gradually I began to participate more and more in the administration of the monastery. Our abbot was frequently absent on little excursions here and there. This was a pattern which would continue to develop until he was forced into reclusion in April 2000. There were no longer two experienced monks here capable of guiding me in the monastic life and providing stability in the monastery. Now there was only one priest in the monastery to conduct the Divine services and to serve the Liturgy.
We scrambled to salvage Hieromonk Seraphim's legacy. We attempted to patch together projects that he had left unfinished. In late 1982 discipline in the monastery gradually started to wane. This was a process which extended over many years. We no longer experienced the same regular instruction. I began to have serious doubts about how I would remain in the monastic life. I remember becoming habitually angry or wrathful. I recall it being a long, wet and lonely autumn in 1982, and a few months later the monastery church would burn down. I had a temptation to leave at the end of November. But I did not know where to go? To what other monastery could I go? (We were quite prejudiced toward the New Calendar, so that eliminated a number of options). I wanted to live a real monastic life; I saw that our monastic life was beginning to crumble.
full 35 page bio posted here
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Abbot Herman and I drove back in the hearse from Redding to the monastery on September 3 with Father Seraphim's body in a coffin. When Archbishop Anthony and Bishop Nektary arrived, Abbot Herman spoke to them about the details of the funeral and burial. I was to be tonsured a reader on that day. However, I stated that I did not want to become a reader, but rather that I wanted to be a monk. I clung steadfastly to my desire for the monastic life that I had formed under the direction of Hieromonk Anastasy, [MP] Bishop Mark, and my first year at the monastery. The funeral was attended by approximately 120 people. I was so overwhelmed by all those events that I do not remember many details. I remember Hieromonk Anastasy came for the funeral. Before the Divine Liturgy, Novice Stephen and I were tonsured riassaphore-monks at the coffin of Hieromonk Seraphim by Archbishop Anthony. In the monastic tonsure I was given the name Gerasim, with St. Gerasimus of the Jordan as my monastic patron and receiving this name in honor of Archimandrite Gerasim (Schmaltz) who had settled at Monks' Lagoon and devoted his life to the veneration of St. Herman of Alaska. It was in such a context that I embraced the monastic life.
ReplyDeleteThe afore scribed excerpt from REPORT OF ABBOT GERASIM (Excerpts from Autobiography of neo-Platina’s abbot Gerasim Eliel) are indeed the most touching of all, to me. +++