Platina offers these books today for a fair price
Out-of-Print books, some still can be found for a fair price, or else I can help you find a digital copy:
Elder Macarius
Elder Zosima
Moses Optina ISBN: 0-943405-07-6
Joseph Optina ISBN: 0-913026-53-0
Elder Isidore, Salt of the Earth ISBN 10: 0938635727
Blessed Xenia, Fool ISBN10: 0884650006
Eldress Rachael ISBN: 1-887904-35-2
Abbess Thaisia, Autobiography
Abbess Rufina, The Gospel Pearl
More worthwhile true elder books that get overlooked:
Nun Parasceva Semyonovna, St. Seraphim's Seraphim
Elder Zenobius ISBN: 978-0-88465-331-8
Fr. Arseny ISBN: 978-0-88141-180-5
Diveyevo nun Eupraxia
Diveyevo nun Pelagia
Abp. Anthony Vovonezh ONLY $2 each — 11 copies left — buy extras for gifts
Do not doubt these quotes:
"ROCOR brought holiness to America"
Metr. Demetrius GOC, St. John's monastery in New York
"The Christian who studies the Apostolic Scriptures, writings of the Holy Fathers and Ascetics, or texts of the divine services can enter into a spiritual communion outside of time, with the very authors of these writings. . . "
Fr. Michael Pomazansky
Do not doubt that you can have a personal encounter with a true elder when you read his life, homilies, counsels. It can happen when you turn a page, or maybe more of a delayed reaction, later on when you are distracted with some chore. This can happen for the least of us. Get to know the true elders, and you will be less likely to be fooled by the many neo-false elders out there today. (Beware of any elder who died after 1920.)