2. Philipians 2:12
3. Galatians 3:27
Safe Resources For Newcomers to the Orthodox Faith
The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. Today [2009] it is even more perilous, even more difficult to find the Royal Path. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path, especially who speak English. Hopefully this website will be a place where Newcomers to the Faith can keep at least one foot on solid ground, while they are "exploring."
blog owner: Joanna Higginbotham
jurisdiction: ROCA under Vladyka Agafangel
who did not submit to the RocorMP union in 2007
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. Platina, California: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (hereafter cited as SHB), 1975; revised edition, SHB, 1979
Pavoslavie i Religia Budushchago (Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future), Moscow, 1991.
Pravoslavie i Religii Buduschchago (Orthodoxy and the Religions of the Future), Alma-Ata, 1991.
The Soul After Death. SHB, 1980.
Dusha Posle Smerti (The Soul After Death). Moscow: Macaw & Co., 1991.
Svatoe Pravoslavie XX vek (Holy Orthodoxy: The Twentieth Century). Donskoy Monastery, 1992. Contains a brief biography of Fr. Seraphim, "The Orthodox World View," "The Holy Fathers: Sure Guide to True Christianity," "The Future of Russia and the End of the World," and Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future.
Heavenly Realm: Lay Sermons of Fr. Seraphim Rose. SHB, 1984.
God's Revelation to the Human Heart. SHB, 1987.
The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church. SHB, 1983.
Weeping Icons of the Mother of God. SHB, 1966. Reprint of an article from The Orthodox Word.
Father Gerasim: Guardian of St. Herman of Alaska. SHB, 1983. Reprint of an article from The Orthodox Word.
The Holy Fathers: Sure Guide to True Christianity. West Coast Orthodox Supply, 1983. Reprint of an article from The Orthodox Word.
Moje widzenie swiata (The Orthodox World View). Translated into Polish by Jaroslaw Charkiewicz. Bialystok, Poland: Fellowship of Orthodox Youth in Poland, 1993.
Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, and Other early Writings of Fr. Seraphim Rose. Includeds Fr. Seraphim's chapter on Nihilism from The Kingdom of Man and the Kingdom of God, his essay "The Philosophy of the Absurd," his philosophical journal from 1960 to 1962, his letter to Thomas Merton, and other material.
The Orthodox Patristic Understanding of Genesis. Includes Fr. Seraphim's Commentary on Genesis, and his letter to the late Dr. Alexander Kalomiros on the Patristic refutation of evolutionism.
The Orthodox World View: A Survival Course for the Last Christians. The course he gave at the St. Herman Monastery in 1975.
Modern Links with the Holy Fathers. Includes his writings about Archbishop Averky of Jordanville, Fr. Michael Pomazansky, Archimandrite Conastantine Zaitsev, Fr. Nicholas Deputatov, I.M. Andreyev, and Archbishop Andrew (Fr. Adrian) of New Diveyevo, together with Fr. Herman's biography of Ivan and Helen Kontzevitch.
The Holy Fathers of Orhtodox Spirituality. Includes the articles (The Holy Fathers: Inspiration and Sure Guide to True Christianity," "How to Read the Holy Fathers," and "How Not to Read the Holy Fathers."
Aesthetic Theologhy: They Typicon of the Orthodox Church's Divin Services. A series of articles he wrote in order to inspire Orthodox Christians to do the daily cycle of Church services. Included practical guidelines and musical notation.
Feasts and Holy Icons. Includes his articles on the Weeping Icons of the Mother of God.
Lectures of Fr. Seraphim Rose. Includes "Raising the Mind, Warming the Heart," "God's Revelation to the Human Heart," "The Search for Orthodoxy Today," "Orthodoxy in the USA," "The Orthodox World View," "In Step with Saints Patrick and Gregory of Tours," "The Future of Russia and the End of the World," "The Orthodox Revival in Russia," "Signs of the Coming of the End of the World," and other lectures.
Andrew of New Diveyevo, Archbishop. The Restoration of the Orthodox Way of Life. SHB, 1976. Includes an introduction by Fr. Seraphim on Archbishop Andrew and Orthodox community life.
Andreyev, I.M. Russia's Catacomb Saints. SHB, 1983. Includes the Life of I.M. Andreyev and much more material by Fr. Seraphim.
Averky, Archbishop. The Apocalypse of St. John: An Orthodox Commentary. SHB, 1985. Includesarticles by Fr. Seraphim on the Life of Archbishop Averky and on the intrepretation of the book of Apocalypse
Barsanuphius and John, Saints. Guidance Toward Spiritual Life. SHB, 1990.
Gretory of Tours, St. Vita Patrum. SHB, 1988. Includes over 100 pages of introductory material by Fr. Seraphim on Christianity and monasticism in 5th- and 6th-century Gaul (France).
John Maximovitch, Archbishop (now Saint). The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of
God. SHB, 1978. Includes an introduction by Fr. Seraphim on the theology of Archbishop (now Saint) John.
Kontzevitch, I.M. The Northern Thebaid. SHB, 1975. Preface and Epilogue by Fr. Seraphim.
Metrophanes, Schemamonk. Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky. SHB, 1976. Introduction and Service to Blessed Paisius by Fr. Seraphim.
Nazarius of Valaam, Elder. Little Russian Philokalia, vol. 2. SHB, 1983.
Pomazansky, Protopresbyter Michael. Orthodox Dogmatic Theologhy. SHB, 1984. Includes a Life of Fr. Michael, extensive annotation, and appendix by Fr. Seraphim.
——. Dogmaticheskoe Bogoslovie [Dogmatic Theology] St. Herman Brotherhood Russian edition, 1992. Includes an appendix: "Report of Hieromonk Seraphim Rose to Bishop Nektary of Seattle on the Danger of the Resurgence among Orthodox Christians of the New 'Dogma' [of Redemption]."
Rose, Fr. Seraphim, and Abbot Herman. Blessed John the Wonderworker. SHB, 1987. Includes the Prima Vita of Archbishop (now Saint) John by Fr. Seraphim.
Sava, Bishop of Edmonton. Blessed John: The Chronicle of the Veneration of Archbishop John Maximovitch. SHB, 1979.
Seraphim of Sarov, St. Little Russian Philokalia, vol. 1. SHB, 1980. Includes a brief Life of St. Seraphim by Fr. Seraphim.
Syemon the Theologian, St. The Sin of Adam. SHB, 1979. Introduction by Fr. Seraphim.
Theophan the Recluse, St. The Path to Salvation. West Coast Orthodox Supply, 1983; reprinted by Conciliar Press under the title Raising Them Righ, 1989.
Verkhovsky, Abbess Vera. Elder Zosima: Hesychast of Siberia. Nikodemos Orthodox Publication Society, 1979; revised edition, SHB, 1990. Introduction by Fr. Seraphim.
Dimitry Dudko, Fr. Resurrection Sermons.
Dorotheos of Gaza, St. Spiritual Counsels.
John Maximovitch, Archbishop (now Saint). The Sermons of Archbishop John Maximovitch. Serialized in The Orthodox Word.
Paisius Velichkovsky, St. Field Flowers and The Scroll (Little Russian Philokalia, vol. 4. Seralized in The Orthodox Word.
Seers of the Other World. The Lives of saints who saw into the angelic and demonic realms. Serialized in The Orthodox Word.
Theodore the Studite, St. Instructions for Monks. |
Service to St. Herman of Alaska (co-written by Fr. Herman Podmoshensky). SHB, 1970.
Service to Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky. In Schemamonk Metrophanes, Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky, SHB, 1976.
Akathist to Blessed John (Maximovitch) the Wonderworker. The Orthodox Word, nos. 123-125, 1985.
Service to the New Martyrs of Russia (co-written by Fr. Herman). 1981, unpublished.
Brigid McCarthy, Nun. "The Last Chapter in the Short Life of Father Seraphim of Platina." The Orthodox Word, nos. 108-109 (1983).
"Dusha Posle Smerti" (The Soul After Death). Nauka i Religia (Science and Religion), no. 5. (may, 1991).
Damascene Christensen, Monk. "Fr. Seraphim's Search for Truth." The Orthodox Word, nos. 108-109 (1983).
——. "Fr. Seraphim the Philosopher." The Orthodox Word, no. 136 (1987).
——. "The Literary Inheritance of Fr. Seraphim Rose." The Orthodox Word, no. 104 (1982).
——. "Otets Serafim Roz: Kratkaya Biografiya" (Fr. Seraphim Rose: A Brief Biography). Russky Palomnik (Russian Pilgrim), no. 3 (1991).
Derugin, Priest Vladimir. "Ieromonakh Seraphim: Ukhod Pravednika" (The Passing Away of a Righteous One). Fr. Seraphim Memorial Fund, 1983.
"Pravoslavi i Religia Budusschago" (Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future). Pravoslavnoe Obozrenie (Orthodox Digest) (1983).
Rose, Fr. Seraphim, "From the Chronicle of the St. Herman Brotherhood." The Orthodox Word, no. 125 (1985).
Rossi, Vincent, The American Acquisition of the Patristic Mind." The Orthodox Word, no. 119 (1984).
"With the Saints Give Rest…" Orthodox America, no 22 (1982).
Young, Fr. Alexy, "A Mighty Pen Is Stilled." Orthodox America, no. 22 (1982).
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...and there are still others outside of the Orthodox Church who by God's grace, their hearts being open to His call, will undoubtedly yet be joined to genuine Holy Orthodoxy...
– Fr. Seraphim
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
1983 edition, page 220
A sure way to learn properly about Orthodoxy is to read lives of saints and Fr. Seraphim Rose [1934-1982†]. Everything necessary can be found in lives of saints. And Fr. Seraphim Rose is the American convert's link to the Holy Fathers, he himself having received the living transmission from living saints of his time. He understood what the royal path is, and he lived it. So this will be the focus of this blog.
In America look for a ROCOR parish under Metr. Agafangel or a GOC-K parish under Metr. Demetrius. Any church or group not in communion with both of these bishops is not considered royal path.
Posts before May 17, 2023
are being organized this way:
2022 by Fr. Seraphim
2021 about Fr. Seraphim
2020 Fr. Seraphim recommends
2019 End Times
2018 Saints & Miracles
2017 Book Reviews
2016 Joanna's notes
"For the believing soul, openly miraculous events are only an opening in the veil, behind which the uninterrupted miracle of God's Providence continues and the writ of each man's course is recorded without omission."
~Archpriest Michael Pomazansky 1988†
"Holiness is not simply righteousness, for which the righteous merit the enjoyment of blessedness in the Kingdom of God, but rather such a height of righteousness that men are filled with the grace of God to the extent that it flows from them upon those who associate with them. Great is their blessedness; it proceeds from personal experience of the Glory of God. Being filled also with love for men, which proceeds from love of God, they are responsive to men's needs, and upon their supplication they appear also as intercessors and defenders for them before God."
St. John Maximovitch
There's no one Holy Father you can read to get the whole teaching of Christianity, because many Holy Fathers express different points of view, different aspects. And the whole of the Fathers contain the wisdom of the tradition. And modern historians would like to say that one contradicts the other and so forth, but if, once you enter into the Orthodox spirit you see that one rather compensates for the other. And there's a marvelous harmony in all the writings of the Holy Fathers.
Fr. Seraphim Rose
from the Survival Course
The "new age" will be nothing else but the brief period of rule of the Antichrist on Earth, who will "unite" all under his blasphemous authority.
Abp. Averky Taushev
"Clearly the World Council of Churches is the vehicle through which Antichrist will establish his one world church."
-statement issued by Jordanville in 1998-99
"Ecumenism is the most prevalent heresy of our times, and the most devastating heresy of all times."
-statement issued by Jordanville in 1998-99
"If we expect to withstand the world, it is first necessary to understand it and keep sensitively in mind that in this present age all that which carries the most holy and dear name of Orthodoxy is not in fact Orthodox. Rather, it is often 'A fraudulent and usurped Orthodoxy' which we must fear and eschew as if it were fire. Unlike this spurious faith, True Orthodoxy was given and must be received without novelty and nothing must be accepted as a teaching or practice of the Church which is contrary to the Holy Scriptures and the dogma of the Universal Church."
Archbishp Averky
Anything outward can become a counterfeit.
Fr. Seraphim Rose
"It's Later Than We Think"
Fr. Seraphim Rose
The divine services in their composition contain all the fullness of the dogmatic teaching of the Church and set forth the path to salvation. They present invaluable spiritual wealth. The more fully and precisely they are fulfilled, the more benefit the participants receive from them. Those who perform them carelessly and who shorten them by their laziness rob their flock, depriving them of their very daily bread, stealing from them a most valuable treasure. The shortening of the services which comes about through lack of strength must be done wisely and performed circumspectly in order not to touch that which should not be tampered with.'
- St John of Shanghai and San Francisco
"In our confused days when a hundred conflicting voices claim to speak for Orthodoxy, it is essential to know whom one can trust. It is not enough to claim to speak for Patristic Orthodoxy; one must be in the genuine tradition of the Holy Fathers..."
-Fr. Seraphim Rose
“AMONG US this food is called the Eucharist; of which no one is allowed to partake but one who believes that the things which we teach are true, and who has been washed with the washing that is for the forgiveness of sins and unto regeneration, and who is living as Christ taught us. For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but as Jesus Christ our Saviour, having been made flesh by the Word of God, took both flesh and blood for our salvation, so likewise we have been taught, that the food which is consecrated by the prayer of His word, and by which our own flesh and blood by transmutation is nourished, is the Flesh and Blood of that Jesus Who became flesh.”
Holy Martyr Justin + 165 A.D.
"Don't have a hypocritical attitude. By this I don't mean to give up your intellect and discernment, but rather to place them in obedience to a 'believing heart' – heart meaning not mere 'feeling,' but something much deeper – the organ that knows God."
-Fr. Seraphim Rose (written to a catechumen)