The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. Today [2009] it is even more perilous, even more difficult to find the Royal Path. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path, especially who speak English. Hopefully this website will be a place where Newcomers to the Faith can keep at least one foot on solid ground, while they are "exploring."

blog owner: Joanna Higginbotham


jurisdiction: ROCA under Vladyka Agafangel

who did not submit to the RocorMP union in 2007


Book Review: ROCA & GOC: A History



Sbn. Nektarios Harrison, M.A. 

At the time of publication  the author's jurisdiction is unclear, but now (2024) he is in the Sister Churches.

Uncut Mountain Press, 2023 

independent, non-jurisdictional*


Reviewed by Joanna Higginbotham, ROCOR under Agafangel

January 17, 2023

My first impression was not good, but my first impressions are often flawed and incomplete -- so it was in this case.  I read the introduction and the concluding chapter, and I was ready to criticize and reject the whole book based on that.  The introduction is written by GOC Metr. Demetrios, and at first I was displeased to see our Sister Church endorsing a book authored and published outside of our Sister Churches, especially with the subject being us.  Google indicates the author is associated with questionable activities going on outside the Sister Churches.  Outsiders always get us wrong.  The concluding chapter is also the epilogue — I was at first and I still am unable to agree with any of the epilogue.  

Sbn. Nektarios' epilogue sums up the 80-year ROCOR & GOC history as "clouded with obscurity, biases from multiple sides, resentment, anger, animosity, sinful passions..."  I could argue with that, since I see that negative perception is in error..  Then the author's conclusion is that we need to be nice to each other, and remember we are all Orthodox Christians.  I won't argue with that, but as a conclusion, it's most inadequate.  

The epilogue ignores completely the obvious conclusion that since the ROCOR-MP union in 2007, all the Sister Churches have recognized the ROCOR-Agafangel as the sole valid continuation of the ROCOR.  Instead the reader is reminded that all the various groups that came out of ROCOR have a common past (St. Philaret, St. John, Abp. Averky); and it could be seen to imply they all are today equals because of that common past.  It ignores that those who are separated from the Sister Churches are separated because they have apostasized.  They have fallen away, they have decidedly left us.  This is a deeper problem than any animosity that might have arisen as a result.  Treating the symptoms will not affect a cure.

Next I read through the chapters, and I see the body of the book is actually aimed directly at the cure.  This must be why Metr. Demetrios recommends the book.  Let me take a break from criticizing the epilogue and shift over to some of what is good about this book. 

In his introduction, Metr. Demetrios says the book is "...a voice of reason to those who are in ROCOR-MP, reminding them that we were once in Communion."  Chapters I–VI give a compiled history, 1920–2007, and certainly it is "a voice of reason" and more:  it is a voice in the wilderness.  The reader is given the important facts, and then left on his own to come to the conclusion.  The conclusion is so obvious to me, I have to think the author left it unstated on purpose, so that the reader himself could experience the light bulb being turned on in his head.  The opposite approach is first to state a conclusion and then try to support or prove that conclusion.  The history in this book ends abruptly at 2007, with the severing of the ROCOR from the Sister Churches because of the ROCOR-MP union.  This abrupt ending has an impact on the reader, but it would have more impact if there were no epilogue.  Just end it there at chapter VI and omit the last chapter VII-epilogue.  Keep the timeline, glossary appendix, index.  Then the reader would be left to face the reality on his own and to ask himself, ok, then what does this mean?  Now what?

I appreciate this book for the carefully researched facts of our history.  Sbn. Nekarios has accessed materials that are not normally available to English-speakers or laymen.   This is of great value to us, especially now as our older generation is leaving us; one after another the eye-witnesses to this history are going to the next world. 

Also, personally I am glad to have the opportunity to see the current situation in America from the author's unique perspective, — a contemporary newcomer's point of view.  Sbn. Nektarios is not a newcomer to Orthodoxy, but he is a newcomer to the realization of the Sister Churches.  His conversion story (on his blog) is the opposite of my path.  I met Orthodoxy through the true ROCOR which today is a Sister Church.  Sbn. Nektarios, on the other hand, met Orthodoxy through world-Orthodoxy, and step by step he has moved closer to the Sister Churches and now has become very aware of them.  Now he is so close to us he appears to be an inch away from desiring to join us.  Metr. Demetrios points this out, saying about Sbn. Nektarios:

"He knows that we, the GOC, are truly Orthodox.  He is concerned for unity of the faith, and he wants to get this timely message out, for the days are evil.  He is able to discern through the confusion by using the compass of the holy men of ROCOR."

I hope the readers of this book will also come to this conclusion, — that, at this time, anyway, the presence and existence of the Sister Churches is our best signpost towards finding Christ's One Church that will be here to the end of time.  Along with Metr. Demetrios, I recommend this book especially for folks in the ROCOR-MP, and for newcomers who are uncomfortable with world-orthodoxy, but unable to sort out the jurisdiction mess of all the "true" Orthodox — like is represented on Euphrosynos Cafe forum where you have a club of "trues" and jurisdictional ecumenists. 

Page 29 quotes Orthodox Life magazine 1964 report of Metr. Philaret's enthronement:

"The enthronement of Metropolitan Philaret, which took place on Saturday and Sunday, May 17/30 — 18/31, developed into an unprecedented solemn feast which left a deep and abiding impression upon all.  To a degree perhaps never before experienced by such a multitude, participants in this feast felt themselves engulfed by the grace-endowing and holy mystery of the Church....

These are not just poetic words.  The Mystery of Piety is real, the Mystery of the Church is real.  The Church Triumphant is real, and her grace is unique, tangible, recognizable — it was noticed also at St. Philaret's ROCOR-Agafangel glorification in November 2008. 


*non-jurisdictional is my word, akin to non-denominational. 

Remember that Fr. Seraphim Rose and the St. Herman Press, while being open to all jurisdictions, clearly identlified with ROCOR under Philaret.  The first issue of the Orthodox Word magazine states:

"Orthodox Word magazine is addressed to Orthodox of all nationalities, to Converts to the Orthodox faith, and to those outside the Church who desire to learn more of her faith and practice.  The editors are members of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and obedient to the Synod of that Church; but our collaborators will include members of other Orthodox Churches... "


other notes:

• The author's Conversion Story (so far, 2023)


• It could help the reader to know ahead of time that the GOC and the SIR are now considered the same Church being under the same Primate in Athens.

• Orthodox Life magazine 1999 (4) pdf, featuring St. Glicherie, can be downloaded here: 

Orthodox America


Website Review

update  2024

Orthodox America 

Fr. Alexey Young

Orthodox America

archived back issues

Very good material.  Especially the older issues, pre-90's.
 We are glad to have this.

Be aware that the editor [Fr. Alexy Young], although he was a spiritual son of Fr. Seraphim Rose and should have known better, fell into world orthodoxy soon after Fr. Seraphim's repose in 1982.  

And be aware that MP (Moscow Patriarch) Fr. Dimitri Dudko was an MP priest [sincere] trying to work from within and he was not successful.  He was arrested by the Soviets, tortured, and ended up making a public "confession" forced out of him by his torturers.

Starting with issue #165 and later, October, 2000, BEWARE of propaganda, because Orthodox America went into the pro-ROCOR-MP union camp.  St. James Parish of the GOC, who now maintains the Orthodox America archives, is not pro-union.  The years leading up to the union in 2007 was a very confusing time, so it is understandable why such confusing articles would appear -- newcomers should be alerted not to pay attention to pro-union materials.  

Fr. Gregory recommended I not put a link to OA on the Starting blog.  He was very displeased with the early-on pro-union articles that kept increasing.  But, especially in the older issues, there is some material that can't be found anywhere else anymore, it seems...  Nothing spectacular, but it's still interesting.  Caveat Lector.

Here is an example of a pro-union article where there is left no doubt and no excuse.
Pro-union article October 2000
Orthodox America Magazine
     This most recent epistle of the Synod of Bishops of the ROCOR should be greeted with joy by all those who sincerely pray for "the good estate of the holy churches of God and the union of all." Unfortunately, it has also been met with some objections from those who read in it a sign that the ROCOR has suddenly changed course. A more sober reading, however, would reveal that the Epistle's intent  is simply to acknowledge positive developments within the Moscow Patriarchate: the recent glorification of the Royal Family and other New Martyrs; its strong statements concerning abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, drug addiction and other social issues; and its affirmation that the Church cannot and will not submit to any godless and unethical decrees of the government (effectively annulling the principle of Sergianism). At the same time the MP's continuing participation in the ecumenical movement and its attempts to seize church property of the ROCOR are duly noted and remain major stumbling blocks in ROCOR/MP relations.
     In support of their objections, critics have been circulating on the Internet writings of various  bishops, clergy and other members of the ROCOR, writings that stand in contradiction to the present Epistle. However, these are expressions of personal opinion (to which everyone is entitled), and they were written when the changes that have recently taken place in Russia were quite unforeseeable, while this Epistle is a conciliar statement reflecting the present state of church life in Russia, and it bears the signatures of all the bishops (including four from Russia and Ukraine), none of whom would sign against his conscience. It is the fruit of careful and considerable deliberation and of much prayer, and it should inspire our confidence.
     We should continue to submit ourselves to those who have the rule over us (Heb. 13:17), and pray for our hierarchs that they continue to guide us, "rightly dividing the word of Truth." 
    page is the same, but the link is renamed: