The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. Today [2009] it is even more perilous, even more difficult to find the Royal Path. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path, especially who speak English. Hopefully this website will be a place where Newcomers to the Faith can keep at least one foot on solid ground, while they are "exploring."

blog owner: Joanna Higginbotham


jurisdiction: ROCA under Vladyka Agafangel

who did not submit to the RocorMP union in 2007


Anonymous Blog Authors

       Update 2024:  Back before the RRb was deleted (May 17, 2023) the Starting blog used to have a section where I did web reviews.  People want to know what to think about many of the websites they are finding with Google now that they have discovered Orthodoxy.

       I started doing website reviews, but it got ridiculous, because there are so many of them.  At one point, I think in 2014, I realized that I could ignore most of them if I just did not review anonymous sites.  Most of my review is trying to figure out what jurisdiction it is.   Usually the anonymous blogger's jurisdiction is revealed by his link list, at least I can tell if they are super-correct or world-orthodox. 

       What is the excuse for this?  Sometimes it is valid.  There are a few who really are in danger of being threatened by the MP.  They have families to protect, but they also feel an obligation to God's sheep.  But usually they are just fraidy-cats or paranoids.  Both conditions I find so utterly boring... 

       Anyway, today I no longer do website reviews.  If the blogger does not identify himself, do not trust him.  And if he is identified but not in communion with our ROCOR Agafangel, do not trust him.  This means any GOC website is safe to explore.

       StartingOnTheRoyalPath blog will focus only on the ROCOR, especially the old ROCOR materials that help form a sound Orthodox soul.   •Joanna

October 1, 2015
Anonymous bloggers are anonymous because they have something to hide. I am no longer willing to review anonymous blogs.  

An Orthodox blog author should at the least identify his jurisdiction and his rank (layman, priest, etc.).   I can automatically disregard any blog where this information is missing.

Fr. Seraphim Rose, in his first issue of The Orthodox Word, identifies himself as a member of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and "obedient to the Synod of that Church," even though the collaborators will include members of other Orthodox Churches (other jurisdictions).  His full introductory article appears below.

Fr. Seraphim points out that no one person can speak for the Church.  Our (ROCOR) bishops demonstrate this by working conciliatorily even in their high rank.  However, it is possible for an individual or small group to speak from within the Church.  Readers should know if a blog author is speaking to them from within or from without the Church – especially these days when so many who think themselves to be in the Church, are not in fact in the Church – and if they are in the Church, which one?  Readers have a right to know.

In 1971 Fr. Seraphim acted as an advisor to the publisher of Nikodemos.  Upon reviewing the first issue prior to publication, Fr. Seraphim made gave this advice:

The final article is not signed, even though it begins with "I".  One could assume that the author is the editor and that the whole publication is a one man job – except that page 1 doesn't give any information on this either.  It might be wise to put initials or a pen-name to such an article which has a personal tone.

Whose publication is this?  You don't have to give your name, but a word of background would clarify things – just the word layman (or lay family, or whatever) somewhere would help relieve the suspicion that you are somebody "official" and working for the diocese.
Letters p. 33

Today there are different and more numerous suspicions.

One anonymous blog author I once came across explained his reason for anonymity as being that he wanted to be free to make errors without having it reflect on his Church.  This might sound conscientious at first, but this is not a healthy freedom.  None of us are free from the responsibility and obligation to continually strive to align our thinking and our hearts to the Church.

Another excuse for anonymity I've heard is, "Judge me by my words – not by my Church.  If I speak well, then let people listen."  This is most unsound.  Satan himself says the same thing when he quotes the Bible.

from The Orthodox Word issue #1  Jan-Feb 1965


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.
St. Matthew 28: 19-20

The Orthodox Word has one single reason for existing: to preach the truths of Orthodox Christianity, and in so doing to draw together those of like mind so as to offer a united witness of these truthsIt is addressed to Orthodox of all nationalities, to converts to the Orthodox faith, and to those outside the Church who desire to learn more of her faith and practice.

The editors are fully conscious of their total inadequacy to fulfill the intentions thus set forth. No one man, or group of men, can himself speak for the Church of Christ. It is nonetheless possible to speak from within the Church, in conformity with Orthodox tradition; and it is this that we shall attempt to do. The editors are members of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and obedient to the Synod of that Church; but our collaborators will include members of other Orthodox Churches who are concerned to preserve Orthodox truth and tradition in their fullness. Outwardly, it is true, the Orthodox Churches present a divided front to the world. Historical circumstances since even before the fall of Constantinople in the fifteenth century have dictated the development of national Orthodox Churches in relative isolation from each other; and in the twentieth century modernist ideas and capitulation to Communist governments have caused division within some Orthodox Churches and swerved many from the path of faithfulness to our Lord But in all Orthodox countries today there is at least a faithful remnant of believers who stand ready to witness their faith uncompromisingly before the contemporary world, even as far as to share the martyrdom which many of our Orthodox brothers have suffered in this century. Among such believers there exists a unity that is quite independent of international or Pan-Orthodox conferences; it is the unity of all who rightly believe and confess the Orthodox faith. The Orthodox Church of Christ is one and indivisible in all her members who have remained faithful to the truth which each local Church has possessed from its foundation

Of reliable material concerning the Orthodox Church comparatively little has as yet appeared in English, whereas in several of the traditional Orthodox languagesin particular Greek and Russianthere is a veritable treasure-house of texts that await translation. One of the purposes of this journal will be to begin to open this treasure-house and distribute its riches to those who hunger for them. It is, after all, the proper function of a treasure, not to sit idle in a closed vault, but to be used; the treasures of Holy Orthodoxy are above all a current currency the value of which can best be proved in the lives of contemporary Christians

Among the most important Orthodox treasures are the lives of the saints, which give us examples of a true life in Christ. The lives of recent saints are no less instructive in this regard than the lives of the early saints; and the inclusion of both in The Orthodox Word should serve to emphasize the fact that the Christian life has not become outmoded in the contemporary world, but in fact has changed not at all throughout the centuries. The twentieth century too has had its saints: one of the very greatest of Russian saints died as recently as 1908, and the martyrs of this century probably outnumber those of the entire age of martyrs that sustained the early Church

Another valuable Orthodox treasure consists of the writings of the saints and holy fathers of the Church, both on the practical problems of the Christian life and on more general subjects such as Orthodox doctrine, the sacraments, Church history, services, and the major feast-days of the Church year. Yet another source of spiritual riches for Orthodox Christians are the icons of our Lord, His Most Holy Mother, the saints, and feast-days. It is planned that at least one of these will be reproduced in each issue, together with an explanation of its meaning and an account of its history and miracles.

This, then, will be the primary function of The Orthodox Word: to make more generally available some of the basic sources of the Orthodox faith. In some cases this will involve explanatory or introductory essays, so as to make accessible to contemporary readers material which might be easily misinterpreted by those who are not intimately acquainted with the life and thought of the Church. Besides this, the periodical will present information on contemporary happenings in the Orthodox world. Orthodoxy, it need hardly be said, is now "in the news". The dispersal of Orthodox of every nationality into the West, the increase of converts to Orthodoxy in Western Europe and America, the state of the suffering Church behind the Iron Curtain, meetings on an official as well as a personal level with Roman Catholics and Protestants, as for example at the Vatican Council and in the World Council of Churches, and critical events within the Orthodox world itselfall these and other factors combine to attract the attention of a Western world which, until recently, had virtually ignored the existence of the Orthodox Church for centuries, or had regarded her at best as a part of the "fossilized" East.

But if Orthodoxy has become "newsworthy", by no means all of the news about her has been good. The position of Orthodoxy in the world, her relations with other Churches, and even the relations of Orthodox Churches among themselves, are quite complicated and they must be viewed critically and soundly interpreted in the light of Orthodox truth and tradition, with the intention of remaining absolutely faithful to these, in spirit as well as letter. In their own poor way the editors of The Orthodox Word will attempt to fulfill this solemn duty.

Always we shall hope to be guided by the awareness that governs the lives of all faithful Orthodox Christians, an awareness which no temporary complications should efface. The Orthodox Church is not merely one Church among many, not merely a "fourth major faith", but the one true Church of our Lord Jesus Christ to which all men are called and against which "the gates of hell shall not prevail" (St. Matt. 16: 18).  "She is not merely one of many "newsworthy" items, but the sole container of the whole mystery of God's creation and His plan for mankind.

It is thus with a basically missionary purpose that this journal has been begun. That is why our patron and heavenly protector is Father Herman of Alaska, one of the first Orthodox missionaries to the American continent and exemplar of the life of asceticism, prayer, and faithfulness to our Lord's commandments to which every Christian, according to his strength, is called. It is as the joint labor of a brotherhood in the name of Father Herman that we present this journal, with an earnest appeal to others of like mind to join us, with articles and translations, with comments, and most of all with prayer, that this labor may be, with God's blessing, for the good use of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Editors