The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. Today [2009] it is even more perilous, even more difficult to find the Royal Path. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path, especially who speak English. Hopefully this website will be a place where Newcomers to the Faith can keep at least one foot on solid ground, while they are "exploring."

blog owner: Joanna Higginbotham


jurisdiction: ROCA under Vladyka Agafangel

who did not submit to the RocorMP union in 2007


January 3, 2016

This is not my Remnant ROCOR blog website



   (link not activated on purpose)

 Dec 2023

No this is not my RRb* — not my Remnant ROCOR blog website.  It looks a lot like it, though.  It was created in 2014 by Joseph Suaiden of NFTU.  Originally it was deliberately designed to look like my RRb.  Here is what the original looked like:

This is an enemy blog.  Check out the first post, "Welcome" where Joseph Suaiden openly admits his purpose is to oppose my RRb.  Something I had posted on the RRb at the end of July 2014 made Joseph mad, and he declared war.  Literally.  He said, "This is war!"  Then he detonated his copy-cat blog. 

What was he so riled up about?  At the end of July 2014 RRb posted a copy-paste of something I found on the GOC website:  "Two Definitions of Jurisdictional Ecumenism."  I had been calling this ecumenism "Jurisdictional Ecumenism" — when I came up with that name I had no idea the concept had been discovered and labelled already.  "Old Calendar Ecumenism" is maybe a more accurate name.


"Old Calendarist Ecumenism" teaches an entirely heretical teaching, to wit, that all the groups and factions that follow the old calendar together consist and belong to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, and it proposes a union of these [factions] according to an ecumenistic perception and not according to the Orthodox Confession and Ecclesiology.

I first noticed "jurisdictional ecumenism" in 2010 after observing Joseph Suaiden who is a flaming jurisdictional ecumenist.  (In my Shared Library see the RRb archive for November 2010, "What Kind of Ecumenism is This?")  Later I saw that Vl. Agafangel pointed it out also, calling it ecumenism.  There was an idea in the air in those days that ROCOR could be saved if all the R-splits would unite.  Joseph Suaiden was most enthusiastic about the idea, I believe because he thought that his goofy Milan synod could be included in the group.

Joseph got some flack from his peers about his copy-cat blog, so he backed off and at some point changed to a different template.  (WayBack Machine's archive pages start 2021.)  Suaiden's posts are taken from the R-Split websites and we have no argument with them.




 ROCiE 1

 ROCiE 2

 ROCiE 3

 ROCiE 4

All the R-splits call themselves the true ROCOR (or else descendants from FROC-catacomb church) and none of them are in communion with each other.  The (evil) purpose of these schisms is to divide the Church, so it would defeat their purpose to do any uniting.  We can guarantee that no uniting among them is ever going to happen, because we know their origin (antichrist).  Metropolitan Agafangel has tried over and over to call them all together to discuss their regularization, so that unification would be possible; but we can't get even one of them to RSVP to our invitation.  

I'm convinced that the remedy to the schisms is for people to have what Fr. Seraphim Rose referred to as "a clear concept of the Church."  Anyone who has a clear concept of the Church recognizes that the schisms are not the Church.  The schisms try to make a Church by running off with the canons, very similar to how the Protestants try to make a Church by running off with the Bible.  The heart of the Church, the beating/living life of the Church is the heavenly Church, true fellowship and communion with the saints.

Pray for a clear concept of the Church, pray to be given the discernment to recognize the Church with your "spiritual eye" rather than by figuring it out intellectually/logically with your mind.  

There are some physical guidlines for finding the Church — or at least for knowing where She is not.  There are some things that are fruits of the true Church, — one is the Old Calendar.  True Churches, because they are true, understand that the new calendar is devisive.  There are no true Churches using the new calendar.

But this does not work vice-versa.  Being on the old calendar does not cause a group to be true.  Old Calendar is a fruit.  Fruits are results, not causes.  You can determine a world-orthodox Church by earthly evidences, but you can't determine a true Church by earthly evidences. The only physical way to tell if a Church is true is to ask them and find out if they are in communion specifically with Metropolitan Agafangel Pashkovsky.  This is Fr. Seraphim Rose's jurisdiction.  This is St. John Maximovitsh's jurisdiction.  

You might have to ask the priest to find out who his bishop is.  I've visited many world-orthodox websites where their bishop is not revealed, except by accident, maybe, in the photo section.  The world-orthodox deny the importance of a bishop — it is as if the bishop is a formality, like a marriage license is a formality.  The group-mind of the parish could be very opposed to their bishop's mind.  I know of one world-orthodox parish (1996) where St. John's icon was hidden whenever their  (OCA) bishop was coming for a visit.  This was because St. John was an old calendarist from the ROCOR that world-orthodoxy considers schismatic.  The group-mind of that parish loved St. John, but their bishops denied his sanctity.  Somehow world-orthodox parishioners are content to be at odds with their bishop like that.  I am not.  I need to be able to love and trust my bishops.  

* RRb (http://remnantrocor.blogspot.com) was deleted by Blogger May 17, 2023 without explanation and no recourse.   The URL of Suaiden's copy-cat blog has a hyphen.

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