The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. Today [2009] it is even more perilous, even more difficult to find the Royal Path. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path, especially who speak English. Hopefully this website will be a place where Newcomers to the Faith can keep at least one foot on solid ground, while they are "exploring."

blog owner: Joanna Higginbotham


jurisdiction: ROCA under Vladyka Agafangel

who did not submit to the RocorMP union in 2007


March 15, 2024

Supplicatory Canon to St. Eudocia

Commemorated March 1/14



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Ode One

The charioteer of Pharaoh 

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

O righteous Martyr Evdokia, by thine intercessions with Christ the Lord,

Scatter Satan’s darkness,

Which because of my transgressions hath brought sorrow to my soul;

And replace it with peace, love, and grace divine, those bright beams of light,

Sent by Christ the Sun of true Righteousness.

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

The grace-filled words of blest Germanus, who then read aloud of the Judgment Day,

Moved thee, Evdokia,

To seek out thy soul’s salvation, which was  perishing in sins.

Thus his words like the nets of the Fishermen brought thee unto life

By thy faith and blood shed for Christ our God.


Thy wealth and land and great possessions didst thou gladly scatter among the poor,

And by Christ’s baptism

Thy pure soul was cleansed and strengthened to endure all to the end,

For which cause thou didst win the unfading crown in a place of light,

From whence thou dost pray that our souls be saved.

Both now.

Through thee the Word of God the Father, by His great compassion and love for man,

Took flesh of His own will

To raise up our fallen nature which was bound by death and sin.

Hence to thee do we offer with grateful hearts joyous hymns of praise,

For thou art the Mother of Christ our God.

Ode Three

Of the vault of the heavens

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

Blessed tears of repentance 

Ran down thy cheeks, righteous one,

When thy sleeping soul was awakened

To ponder things on high,

And Christ’s dread Judgment Day,

And the perdition of sinners:

Pray, O Evdokia,

That we be among the saved.

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

Having truly abandoned

The fleeting things of the earth,

O belov’d of Christ Evdokia,

Thou didst embrace with zeal

The blest angelic life,

Wherein thou greatly didst struggle,

Such that God’s Good Spirit

Adorned thee with wondrous gifts.


A most glorious wonder

Was wrought in thee, blessed one,

For thou who before wast a river

Of filth and carnal sins

Art now become by grace

A dwelling place of the Spirit,

And the sweetest savour

Of thy Sacred Bridegroom Christ.

Both now.

O Directress of all those

Who trust in thee, Bride of God,

By thy grace direct the desires

Of both my heart and mind

To Christ my Lord and God,

And help me keep His commandments,

That bright lamp which leadeth

The faithful to endless life.

Ode Four

Thou art my strength;

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

The righteous prayer

Of blest Germanus in thy behalf

Hath been answered

By our Saviour Jesus Christ,

Whose holy name

Thou didst glorify

Through thy great repentance

And struggles in wondrous martyrdom.

Hence pray, O Evdokia,

That we be counted worthy

To all glorify God by our faith and life.

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

For seven days

Thou didst fast praying with fervent tears,

Then Saint Michael,

The Archangel of the Lord,

Shewed thee those men

All arrayed in white, 

And the evil giant,

Whom also thou slewest by thy faith.

Hence, guide us to repentance,

The haven of salvation,

That through thee we may enter the realms of light.


The Cross of Christ

Which the Archangel then signed thee with

Was thy safeguard

In thy strict monastic life,

O zealous one,

And in martyrdom.

Sign us with the Lord’s Cross,

Preserve us who ever praise thy name;

For thou, O Evdokia,

Art mighty in the Saviour,

Since thou art His pure bride, O all-lauded one.

Both now.

O blameless one,

Calm all the waves of my heart and mind,

For the passions

And our sly and evil foe

Now seek to drown

My poor darkened soul.

But be quick to save me,

Enlighten and guide me in my life,

For thou, O Theotokos,

Didst give birth to the Saviour,

The Beginner and Finisher of our Faith.

Ode Five

Wherefore hast Thou deprived me

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

The true spiritual beauty

Of thy soul, O grace-filled one, in truth hath far surpassed

That of comely faces,

Which in time lose their beauty and youthfulness:

For the Lord transformed thee

From a renowned and sinful harlot

To His bride through afflictions and martyrdom.

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

Through thy thorough repentance

And thy struggles for the Lord thou didst live on the earth

Like the holy Angels,

Thus becoming for all men a guiding light;

For thou wast a teacher

In word and deed of Christ’s commandments,

Which lead all the repentant to Paradise.


After Christ’s holy laver,

Mourning and thy blessed tears became another font

By the Holy Spirit,

Which then wondrously washed thy pure soul of wounds;

Hence thou art a fountain

Within the Fount of Life, our Saviour,

Who refreshes our souls through thy prayers, O Saint.

Both now.

O All-pure Theotokos,

By that fire which dwelt in thee yet did not burn thy womb,

Burn up all my evil

Base desires and fill me with love for Christ,

For thou art more holy

Than all the ranks of holy Angels

Who in heaven now hymn thee with us, O Maid.

Ode Six


O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

O wise one, when thou hadst found the Precious Pearl,

Christ the Lord, Who made thee rich in the Spirit,

Thou didst give all

Thy great wealth to the needy,

And thou didst shed all thy blood to attain His love.

Hence, grant our souls thy fiery zeal,

That we too may seek out our true Living God.

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

The white robe of thy baptism thou didst wear

All thy life, O bride of Christ Evdokia,

And thou didst keep clean the robe of thy spirit

By thy great struggles for God and thy martyrdom.

Hence, now with all those robed in white

Thou dost pray for our souls at the throne of Christ.


The devil through Philostrartus tempted thee,

O divinely-wise and chaste Evdokia,

But by the Lord

Thou didst turn back his arrows,

And thou didst rescue a soul that was bound by him:

For Philostratus rose from death

And believed in Christ God through thy holy prayers.

Both now.

O Lady, since thou didst bear the Root and Cause

Of tranquility and peace, Christ the Saviour,

Do thou entreat

Him for us as His Mother,

And quell the storms of my passions, O All-pure One,

That with a peaceful heart and mind

I may glorify thee in the House of God.

Ode Seven

The three Hebrew Children 

O Saint of God, intercede in our beahalf.

Raise up our minds slain by the passions

Through the Cross as thou didst raise to life that young man,

And deliver our souls from death by thine entreaties,

For thou hast boldness with the Lord, O Great Martyr Evdokia.

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

Having been cleansed of all the passions

Thou wast set up by the Lord, O Evdokia,

As a far-shining lamp to shed the light of Christ God

On all those who run unto thee for divine illumination.


Fasting and prayer and sacred stillness

Were sweet food for thee, O wondrous Evdokia;

Thus thy soul soared on high, beyond the highest heaven,

Beholding while yet in the flesh Christ the Lord the King of Glory.

Both now.

Rejoice in the Lord, O Ever-virgin,

For thou gavest birth to Christ the world’s Redeemer,

Who was slain on the Cross for all the sins of mankind,

Thus rescuing our souls from death by His death and Resurrection.

Ode Eight

Let us ever extol 

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

“I am with thee in all the sacred suff’rings

Thou endurest for Me,

And I shall recompense thee:”

Thus said the Lord for Whom with joy thou didst contest,

And these words have come true, for by thy 

Beheading thou hast won crowns of glory.

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

Thou didst raise from the dead those who repented

And believed in the Lord,

O all-famed Evdokia.

Hence pray that on the Last Day we may rise with thee,

And go forth to meet Christ, our true Sacred

Bridegroom, and enter His blest Kingdom.


Having in thee the Fire of the Godhead,

Thou didst burn up as chaff

The threats of all the tyrants,

And like the Three wise Children standing in the flames,

Thou too didst prevail in all thy great temptations, 

Through Christ Who shone within thee.

Both now.

Come illumine our souls, O Theotokos,

With the light of thy Son,

The Ever-shining Daystar,

For thou by grace art truly a pure cloud of light

Banishing the darkness brought on by the 

Passions and filling us with great joy.

Ode Nine

The heavens were astonished 

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

The fierce attacks of Satan could not shake thee,

Though he tried thy steadfast soul repeatedly,

For thou, O Saint,

Like a mighty oak tree rooted in God,

Didst stand by faith in every storm,

Meanwhile giving shelter and safe retreat

To those who through thy contest

Left all their graven idols

And worshipped Christ the true and Living God.

O Saint of God, intercede in our behalf.

With peace and great rejoicing thou wentest forth

As a bride adorned in white to meet thy Lord,

Who beckoned thee

To His Bridal Hall in the realms above;

And thus the sword, O valiant one,

Cut thy earthly bonds and procured for thee

Unfading crowns in glory

From whence, O Evdokia,

Thou dost entreat Christ that He save our souls.


Thy pure soul in the heavens now bringeth joy

To the Angels of God who all honour thee,

While we on earth 

Also feel thy presence, O holy one;

For Christ was well-pleased to bestow

On thy fragrant relics His saving grace.

And we now who approach them

With faith and love, O Martyr,

Obtain relief from all our trials in life.

Both now.

The Burning Bush on Sinai prefigured thee,

As did Aaron’s rod, O Theotokos Maid,

For God the Word

Took up His abode in thy virgin womb:

He kept thee wholly incorrupt,

And was born a Man through thee seedlessly,

Like a most Sacred Flower

That blossomed from a dry tree.

Hence we, the faithful, ever call thee blest.

Copyright 1996 Ephraim Figueroa


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