The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. Today [2009] it is even more perilous, even more difficult to find the Royal Path. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path, especially who speak English. Hopefully this website will be a place where Newcomers to the Faith can keep at least one foot on solid ground, while they are "exploring."

blog owner: Joanna Higginbotham


jurisdiction: ROCA under Vladyka Agafangel

who did not submit to the RocorMP union in 2007


Correction SJKP December Menaion

I do not know if there is a newer December edition than the 2011 edition that I have.  Fr. Gregory always said his menaions were "translations in progress."  You'll want to check this against your copy.  ~jh

  This is a re-post from RRb 12/22/2016
Corrected Verse in Matins Canon Nativity Eve

December Menaion page 360 (SJKP, second edition)
Eve of the Nativity of Christ (December 24)
Matins canon of the forefeast, Ode IX, 3rd verse:

"O my child most sweet, how can I feed Thee Who nourishest all things?  How can I hold Thee Who holdest all things in Thy hand?  How can I wrap in swaddling-bands Thee Who dost enshroud the whole word in gloom?" cried the most pure Mistress, whom we magnify unceasingly.

Is there a better translation?  Yes, says our ROCA typicon expert, Rdr. Daniel.

1. “word” is indeed a typo.  It was probably intended to be “world”; but that itself is not an accurate translation of both the Greek and the Slavonic. A better rendering would be “earth”.

2. “gloom” is a possible translation of the Slavonic word. The original Greek word means “mist” or “fog”, either of which would be better in the context of this troparion. The Greek word is sometimes translated as “gloom” with the meaning of “partial or total darkness”. This probably is because “mist” or “fog” often results in general darkening. The problem with “gloom” is that it also has the metaphorical meaning of “state of depression or despondency”.

Note also that the use of “enshroud” is not a very accurate translation.  Both the Greek and Slavonic words indicate that a better translation would be “swathe”.

I suggest the following translation of this troparion from the Greek text, from which the Slavonic differs slightly:

“O sweetest Child, how do I nourish Thee who nourishest [all]; how do I hold Thee who holdest all things by a command; and how do I swaddle [Thee] who swathest all the earth with mist?" the all-pure Mistress cried aloud, whom in faith we magnify.

I have used two words – “swaddled” and  “swathest”  – to translate what in the original Greek text (and the Slavonic also) is just one word.  But in English, the words “swaddle” and “swathe” are etymologically the same. The dictionaries say that “swaddle” is just a frequentative form of “swathe”. The main distinction between them is that “swaddle” usually refers to the wrapping of an infant in swaddling clothes, while “swathe” has a more generally connotation of “wrap” in some material.
