Upload to Shared Library:
Version #2 of Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky is uploaded to my Shared Library today January 9th, 2025.
To the existing pdf I added a photo that had been glued onto the inside of the back cover of the original book. Remember in the earlier years Platina's printing equipment was primitive even by the standard of those days, and they used to glue pictures, actual color icon prints, into the earlier magazines, too. With time, the glue deteriorates and the icons fall out and get lost. That was the case with the map in Version #1 of the Blessed Paisius book. The existing scan came to me from a different source other than my own library. I'm very grateful for it— it saves me days of work and allowed me to offer this pdf long before I ever would have found time to do the scanning myself. And, more, I'm not able to make searchable scans.
This morning I noticed the map was loose in my copy in my home library, and I wondered if this map was included in the scan uploaded to my Shared Library. It was not. I thought this would be a quick fix, just to insert a scan of the map, but after an hour I've tried everything I can think of. I'm having no luck trying to make the map big enough to fill the page in the pdf. The resulting map is a huge file, 250 MB, more than the whole book for just that one page. I give up, the small-sized map will have to do.
Is there anyone who willing able to fix this?
Here is a jpg of the missing map.
A pdf of the map can be taken from the thumbnails in Version #2. Look for the pdf book in my Shared Library, (link in sidebar), look in the folder named: "Lives Saints & Elders"
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