The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. Today [2009] it is even more perilous, even more difficult to find the Royal Path. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path, especially who speak English. Hopefully this website will be a place where Newcomers to the Faith can keep at least one foot on solid ground, while they are "exploring."

blog owner: Joanna Higginbotham


jurisdiction: ROCA under Vladyka Agafangel

who did not submit to the RocorMP union in 2007


Biden Does Something Good

from Joanna's notepad

contains opinion

Biden has stepped out of his usual modus operandi.  For the first time he has done something paternal for our country, instead of his usual relentless sabotage on every aspect of our country's well-being.

Recently, Biden has taken steps to slow down CCP takeover of the USA. 

July 5, 2024 

US Increases Scrutiny Over Chinese Land Purchases Near Military Bases

State and federal governments are increasingly concerned over real estate purchases made by foreign nationals from adversarial countries.


So what gives?  Is it possible to believe that Biden has suddenly shifted from being evil to being good?  No.  Could I believe that maybe Biden really had some good in him all along, and now  it is finally coming out?  No.  With Biden being a servant of Antichrist, I can only believe that somehow this is self-serving.  But how?

Evil people often do turn on each other, distrust each other, lie to each other.  We see it in the old westerns where the band of robbers is brought to its demise because of infighting among themselves.  Maybe, here, CCP has not been forthcoming enough with their fellow-globalist pal Biden about their US land purchases... I can imagine CCP saying to Biden, "but we didn't think it was important enough to tell you... we meant no ill... we are just trying to insure our own food supply... etc."  But now, maybe Biden isn't buying excuses, his suspicions have been aroused, he feels a threat.

I think it's interesting, it says at the very beginning of the article, it was the public that alerted Biden to problem.  Exactly what that means is not clear, but probably it was not a specifically republican or democrat person or group.  It was the public, and Biden, in his conceit, assumes the public loves him.  Biden has to take the alert seriously if he is going to pretend to be American, he can't just brush it off, or else he could lose the respect of the public.  But first, I think he was caught off guard, I think he was not forewarned that this land take-over was happening and that someday somebody would notice.  Could he have known all along and just be pretending to be surprised?  That's a possibility — he could have had a plan, but it turned out that his plan was not strong enough, so Plan B would be to feign shock/surprise.  

Somewhere in our more recent Church teachings about Antichrist and end times, I recall it says that all the wealth in the world will be in the hands of a few.  We see that happening clearly.  Something else said is about the preparations for the advent of Antichrist, which is the times we are in right now.  Vl. Agafangel calls our times, "pre-apolcalyptic."  The world will prepare for the advent of Antichrist, like setting up dominos.  And before Antichrist sets foot on the world stage, all the dominos will be ready to fall into place.  The one world government, the one world church, the global money system -- everything will all fall into place at the same time.  Antichrist's servants are preparing for this day, which will be the first day of Antichrist's 7-year reign.

Antichrist's servants who are preparing for his advent are not all aware of whom they serve.  A few are surely aware that Satan is their god, but most of Antichrist's servants do not realize they are working for Antichrist -- most of them think they are serving themselves.  The elite, for example — who are now gathering all the wealth in the world — they think they are gathering up the world's wealth for themselves.  But in the end, to their surprise, all the gatherers will hand it all over to Antichrist, willingly.

I think what we have here is Biden suddenly seeing Xi Jinping not so palsy-walsy and more of a rival or adversary.  All the evil world leaders all want the one world government, but, they each want to be the ruler of it.  Their common goal of globalism only goes so far — who gets to sit at the top is where they stop agreeing with each other and cooperating with each other.

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