The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. Today [2009] it is even more perilous, even more difficult to find the Royal Path. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path, especially who speak English. Hopefully this website will be a place where Newcomers to the Faith can keep at least one foot on solid ground, while they are "exploring."

blog owner: Joanna Higginbotham


jurisdiction: ROCA under Vladyka Agafangel

who did not submit to the RocorMP union in 2007


Two of my friends are diagnosed with cancer

    It helps to know that breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer are all in the class of cancers caused by mutated genes.

5 minutes,  Cancer Prevention and Survival 



6 minutes,  Best Diet for Cancer Patients



6 minutes,  Fighting Cancer with Food 10 Hallmarks



8 minutes,  How Not to Die from Cancer



Summary: Cancers caused by mutated genes can be reversed with a no meat/dairy/oil diet.  The closer you stick to the diet, the greater your chances of a complete cure.  Results show in tests in a little as 2 weeks.

Two Lists of Videos

 1. https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/cancer-survival/

 2. https://www.youtube.com/@NutritionFactsOrg/search?query=cancer

from Joanna's notepad

Many other people I know, some of them in the Church, are dying now or have already died.  One who already died had colon cancer.  Every few months another section was surgically removed from her colon.  In between surgeries there was chemo and radiation alternating.  I told her about this diet, and her resistance was the most stubborn I have ever met.  I don't think she even looked at the material I sent her, and then finally she yelled at me: MY BODY NEEDS MEAT!"  She died believing that her body needs meat.  That is the 2nd worst excuse I've heard.  

The 1st worse — the worst — I won't say while the patient is still alive.  But, I can say this:  the top 2 worst excuses are both lies.  (No "body" needs meat).  The top worst excuse is likewise a lie.  The difference is, with the 1st worst excuse I don't know where the lie is coming from.  The 2nd worse excuse I know the lie is coming from her own self, it is something she wants to believe.  The undisclosed 1st worst excuse I do not know if the lie is coming from the patient or from the doctor.  Either way, both of these two worst excuses are what the patients want to believe.  Both refuse to look at any facts that could change their belief.  Note how close belief is to religion.  The words 'belief' and 'religion' are used alike, considered synonyms.  

Another evidence that "belief" is a factor in accepting diet as part of a treatment for disease:  About 15 years ago, while Reader Daniel Everiss was still able to get around, not in a wheel chair, I offered to buy him a 10-day program offered by Dr. McDougall, where the doctor takes patients on a cruise and monitors them daily and feeds them all their meals.  I begged Daniel to let me give him this gift.  It was an all-you-can-eat 10-day cruise for people with type II diabetes.  The doctor would bring them back home 10 days later completely cured of diabetes and off all diabetes medications.  Daniel argued with me and ran out of exucses really fast, so finally he got down to the real reason, "JOANNA!   LISTEN TO ME!  I don't believe in it."  I continued to press, because he does not need to believe in it, it works even if you don't believe in it.  Then he had no answer, so he declared the subject off limits.  

See how close dietary treatment is tied up with belief like if it is a religion.

Now, for Orthodox, we understand the truth of Orthodoxy remains true for everyone who ever lived/lives.  But the dietary cure many people are still very "Protestant" about it, thinking thier body's needs are unique to them.  With some things, yes -- one man's medicine is another man's poison.  But for other things, — like arsenic or hemlock — we are all the same in that these are deadly poisons for humans.  These tests and studies are being done on humans.  So far there is nothing to indicate that one human could need a carnivore diet and another human need a herbivore diet.  Every species has it's own natural diet.  To put an Orthodox twist into these thoughts, remember in Genesis when God reluctantly gave in to the people demanding meat.  And if you still believe in the caveman theory, then do yourself a favor and read Fr. Seraphim's book: Genesis, Creation and Early Man.

This has put me into wondering how to deal with the friends who won't even try the diet.  I guess all I can do is allow a distance to grow between us, since I can't pretend with them that they need to eat meat, or that it doea not matter. 


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